Thursday, September 26, 2013

Seed Money Challenge: ReSTOREd Furniture

Hey guys - Melissa here.  So I have some big news... basically I'm issuing another challenge to myself.  Apparently, I like to challenge myself...perhaps you remember my crazy $100 bathroom makeover challenge?  Did we get it done or what? You betcha and we came in under $85 for new lighting, paint, beadboard, trim, a window treatment and storage.

So now I'm giving myself another challenge. This one was inspired by the nightstand I recently repainted and rebeautified (is that a word?).  I'm thinking this challenge is going to be a little tougher than than first, but I think I'm up for it. I hope you'll follow along since I'll be blogging all about my challenge in a new series launching NOW on Two It Yourself.

I'm going to take the money we made at our recent yard sale and use it as "seed money."  Here's the challenge: more than triple the starter money by the end of the year.   Okay so here's the deets.  We made about $140 at the yard sale.  My plan - which is already partially in motion - is to use that money to turn thrifted or unwanted pieces of furniture into a profit by refinishing and/or repainting them and reselling them.

Since I am basically giving myself three months to turn $140 into more than $400 I have to get moving (and sanding, priming, painting and selling.)   Lucky for me, I've already purchased my first three pieces.  One is a small cabinet piece that's so versatile it could be used in an entryway, as a TV stand, a small dresser, or even a baby changing table.   Can you see the potential? I know it's tough when you're this...dated?  Okay ugly, we'll go with ugly.

But she's already looking better right? And wait til you see the new hardware! She's gonna be awesome!

The other pieces were a great score - a set of matching nightstands or side tables.   Here's a little sneak peek.  These babies will be up for sale soon...looking more beautiful than ever! Hopefully they sell fast because the hubs isn't liking that I'm taking over the garage with all this "stuff."   (Ahem, perhaps you shouldn't have thrown out the seed money idea, honey!)

The new series will be called ReSTORED...get it I'm restoring them and then basically re-STORE-ing them.  Okay, maybe I'm over-thinking the name and trying to be too cutesy, but you feel me, right?! Great. Now I'm off to work....

Thanks for stopping by 2IY! If you like what you see, we'd love for you to pin it!

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