Monday, December 30, 2013

DIY 'Let It Snow' Burlap Banner (Free Printables)

Alright, you guys..I know you're gonna be shocked, but I'm back with another burlap project.  I made a little Let It Snow burlap banner to get me through the winter, even after I take all the Christmas decorations down (that's the worst, isn't it?).

I'm making this bunting super duper easy for you, by giving you the free printables.  Even if you don't have burlap, this would look awesome printed on paper.  Alright, lets get started.

If you're printing on paper, just download the flags and print.  If you're printing on burlap << here's the tutorial on how to do that.

Once your flags are printed simply cut along the lines.  This next step is optional if you're working with burlap: zig zag along all three edges of each flag to prevent fraying.

Finally, use a hot glue gun to attach the flags to a piece of jute rope or ribbon.   I put a little dot on each corner of every flag to attach it to the rope.

You can make your bunting one long banner or make it two-tiered by putting the flags on two different pieces of rope.

This is perfect to hang on a mantle or in an entryway or really just where ever :)

I initially made my Let It Snow bunting one long banner and then decided to shorten it up so I ended up only using one of the large snowflake pieces.  You didn't actually think I would throw out the snowflake I didn't use did you? No way...I turned it into a Christmas ornament by putting it in a wooden hoop and adding a ribbon - both of which I just happen to have on hand.


And because you guys are just the best's a 10 minute monogrammed wood hoop ornament I made this year, too.

If you love our burlap Let It Snow bunting but don't want to make it yourself, let us two it for you.  The banner is now available in my Etsy shop, Cuteness Cubed

Thanks for stopping by 2IY! If you like what you see, we'd love for you to pin it!

 photo 23de5266-91bc-4226-85c8-8c74cb4c20ee_zps1313e4f5.jpg


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