Monday, March 24, 2014

Door Mat Wall Art: Pottery Barn Knockoff

My Pottery Barn knockoffs are starting to take on a life of their own here at Two It Yourself.  This week I felt like maybe I should spread the love - so I did a guest blog post over at the amazing Fun Cheap or Free!

Do not judge - I totally hung a rubber door mat on the wall and called it a Pottery Barn knockoff.  I think that qualifies as fun and cheap...and almost free! Oh, and the best part, my husband has yet to realize it's a door mat's adorning our foyer. 

Head on over to FCF to check out my tips and tricks on what is now one of my favorite Pottery Barn knockoffs. 

While you're there, poke around a bit. I know you'll find some awesome stuff 'where frugal gets a facelift.'

Thanks for stopping by 2IY! If you like what you see, we'd love for you to pin it!

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  1. i like this post very informative great information Marler Haley voucher code about it.

  2. Great DIY creativity! Love the humor & resourcefulness. Definitely pinning this rubber doormat-turned-wall-art. So clever! This reminds me of quests in poptropica, where you repurpose random items into something cool. Will check out FCF for more frugal inspiration. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Wow, what a creative Pottery Barn dupe! Love the "fun and cheap" approach. A rubber doormat as wall art? Genius! This reminds me of navigating the Slope Game, finding innovative solutions to challenges.
