Tuesday, April 15, 2014

3 (Easy) Easter Treats for Kids

The countdown to Easter is on! If you're looking for some last minute Easter treats to make with the kids - you've come to the right spot.

I always like to cook with the kids when I can and they are always threw the roof when I ask them.  The rice crispy treat robin's nests and Easter cut outs are are super easy to make and the best part is they're a 2 for 1 deal: make one recipes get two desserts!

I started by following the directions on the back of the bag of marshmallows to make traditional rice crispy treats. 

I had the kids pouring in the marshmallows, stirring them up between meltings in the microwave, and then pouring in the rice crispies.  I poured the sticky mess onto a medium size cookie tray so they would be a little thinner and easier to work with.  Then I set them in the fridge to cool for about 30 minutes.

When it was time to cut the RCT cut outs, the kids took turns using an Easter egg shaped cookie cutters and two bunnies (my daughter came to call them bunny head and running bunny).

Here's the coolest part -- I had wanted to make these cute little Robin Egg Nests that I found on Pinterest too, but I just wasn't that into the recipe...it seemed like too many steps and honestly too many sweets in one cookie (is that even possible?!).   So I decided to use the parts of the RCT that was between the cookie cutter cut outs (you know, the part that would normally go to waste) to make nest.

I loosely gathered the scraps and rolled them into loose rice crispy balls.  Then I pressed them into a cupcake pan and pressed in the center to form a "nest." I put these back in the fridge to set.

In the meantime my daughter decorated the Easter rice crispie treats with wayyyyy too much icing and sprinkles. And my son...well he was busy eating any little scrap he could find on the counter and the floor looked suspiciously clean so I'd have to guess he helped me out there too.  Second kid..whatever...

By the time that was done our nests were ready. I used a butter knife to easily pop them out of the muffin tin.  I had some cookie icing left over so I just squeezed a little in the center and added the "robin eggs."  

You can actually buy candy called Robins Eggs they are like malt balls but the outer shell on them is crackled and speckled.  I had a few peanut butter covered candies in Easter colors in a dish so I just used them.

Very kid friendly to make and of course mom-approved!

The third kids Easter treat is perfect for classmates or Easter Egg Hunt party favors.  I especially love it becaue they are super fast to make. I mixed up some mini chocolate chips and mini marshmallows then put them in plastic bags and stapled them closed with paper tags I designed and printed off.  I always get a giggle out of these Cotton Tails and Bunny Trails.

Thanks for stopping by 2IY! If you like what you see, we'd love for you to pin it!

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  3. I tried it and the kids loved it, they had a great holiday eating and playing geometry dash meltdown games freely.
