Showing posts with label Before and After. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Before and After. Show all posts

Friday, September 4, 2015

REVEAL: $100 Small Bathroom Makeover!!! (Tons of ideas for inexpensive upgrades)

So I made over my bathroom...on a $100 budget!

bathroom makeover, powder room, bathroom makeover budget, rachael ray

You seriously have NO idea how excited I am to finally be able to show off my brand spankin' new powder room!  I couldn't be happier with how it came out especially given all the "firsts" I faced - wallpaper, beadboard, trim, building...  What makes me even happier is that I was able to come in under my $100 budget.  It's hard to believe looking at the before and after pictures that this could be done for less than one hundred buckos, but I assure you it was!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

$45 Laundry Closet Makeover REVEAL (Before and After)

So there's good news and bad news. The good news is the laundry room/closet makeover is complete.  The bad news is the washer decided to conk out completely about 3.2 seconds after I added the final touch and now we are shopping for a new washer.   I really wasn't planning to take the laundry room makeover that far - after all I was on a $100 budget here - but when life gives you lemons you make lemonade  a broken washer the laundry piles up fast!

That being said....I could not wait a minute longer to finally reveal my new laundry room.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Turn a Thrifted Cabinet into Laundry Room Storage (And Tips for Hanging a Cabinet)

After being stalled for a few weeks, my laundry room makeover is finally nearing completion.  The biggest project - and what had me at a standstill - was the cabinet.  I purchased the old kitchen cabinet at a thrift store for just $15 several weeks ago.

I cleaned it up and peeled off as much of the nasty shelving paper as possible. 

Monday, March 31, 2014

DIY Greek Key Tray Makeover (Ikea Hack)

For the last year I have had a large tray sitting on my dresser just looking awfully plain. I picked it up at Ikea for $7 on a whim.  Of course I did...most of my Ikea purchases are on a whim.

Since then I have been debating about what to do with the tray. I couldn't just keep her white, could I? No, of course not.

I had some gold metallic spray paint in the garage that caught my eye recently and then my plan started to fall into place. Originally, I was going to make a striped design on the tray with the painters tape and then I had an 'ah ha moment'...I would try my hand at a greek key design. 

If you follow 2IY on Instagram, you know I found making the design to be harder than it looks.  I received some samples of 3M Scotch Blue Painters Tape so along with a ruler, and some patience this project goes pretty smoothly.

I used a roll of  .94" Scotch Blue Painter's Tape to create the design.

I started along the long edge with just a straight piece of tape.   I created the first key by just eyeballing the size and length of the tape.  On the remaining three sides and corners I used a ruler to measure the original key's tape pieces to make sure they were all the same.

Cutting the edge of the tape straight is important or you will get some overhang which will of course show up when you spray paint the tray.  I used an exacto knife to trim those little areas after I was all done taping off the tray.

Right before I spray painted I went around the entire design and pressed down all the edges of the tape really well to prevent any paint bleed.

Then I just spray painted the entire tray.  After the first coat dried, I added a second.  Only after both coats were completely dry did I remove the tape.

And now the moment of truth....

I had very few areas of bleed.  In those area I just scraped the paint off easily with a knife.  I love the way the tray looks on my coffee table.  It really pops against the black table.

Disclaimer: I received samples of 3M Scotch Blue Painters Tape but all opinions are my own. 

Thanks for stopping by 2IY! If you like what you see, we'd love for you to pin it!

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Friday, March 28, 2014

7 Amazing Paint Makeovers

Last week's Link It or Lump It Link Party was stocked full of amazing projects.  Since I'm a sucker for paint and painted furniture...and since I majorly have the itch to paint something but this weather is holding me back...I thought I'd round up a few of my favorite paint projects from the link party.  I'm telling you these seven are some amazing makeovers with paint! 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Wood Chair Makeover with Spray Paint (Before & After)

A few months back I was driving down the road and I see this guy putting a bunch of 'stuff' out by the curb with a big sign that said 'FREE!'  The luck!

I quickly pulled over and snagged this wood chair.  The chair - just as it was when I threw it in my trunk - sat on my front porch all winter.  that is until I took some spray paint and vinyl to it!  To read the full post including seeing the 'after' head over to my sister site Silhouette School.

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thrift Store table to American Girl Picnic Table

A few weeks back when my kids actually had a day of school (gasp) rather than a(nother) snow day I actually made it to the thrift store! Woo was a very successful trip.  Perhaps you remember me sharing these three identical large vintage glass jars that I turned into canisters? Well along with them, I also scored this mini wood picnic table.  Here's something similar on eBay for $75.  WHAT in the hickety hack (my kids love it when I say that) is going on with that!?

Anyway, mine set me back five whole dollars... which is nothing to say 'hickety hack' about in my humble opinion.  I immediately knew I was going to give the picnic table to my daughter for Valentine's Day...but not in the state it was in.  I needed to 'girl' it up a bit and of course that meant PINK!

I gave her two coats of pink spray paint and then used some white craft paint to add the polka dots.  I just used my round foam pouncers to add the circles.

Monday, February 17, 2014

HELP!! My Laundry Closet Needs a Makeover

Perhaps it's because I've been seeing the same four walls of my house for too many consecutive days this winter...that doing laundry actually feels like a retreat most days.  It's five or ten minutes that I can hide upstairs alone when no one is asking me for a drink or to find their Batman (no the other one) or calling from the toilet that "Mommy, there's a problem" only to find out the 'problem' is that he can't get his superhero underwear (oh sorry, mask) on his head without my help.  WHAT is going on!!???!!

Oh wait, I retreat upstairs to switch the laundry and I'm faced with this and it's like WHAM BAM thank you MA'AM this is no haven this is an ugly, inefficient, and scary small laundry room closet. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bathroom Wall Art: Old Picture Frame to Chalkboard

So on Sunday I was at my mom's having a birthday dinner and she gave me a bag of old picture frames.  No, that wasn't my gift, but it could have been.  I was happy to take them off her hands.  Four of them are matching frames which I have yet to upcycle, but the fourth was this large gold frame with a mat. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Websters Chalk Paint Powder REVIEW {And Giveaway}

Last week I shared a furniture makeover project in which I converted an old dresser drawer into a raised storage box.   The dresser was originally a solid wood stained piece with a poly finish.  It may have been someone else's cup of tea, but it wasn't mine and so I painted it.

If you've been following Two It Yourself for any length of time you know I prefer chalk paint when painting furniture.  I typically mix up a batch of DIY Chalk Paint, but for this project I was given the opportunity to test out Websters Chalk Paint Power.  This was my first experience with Websters and I have to say I am definitely impressed.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dresser Drawer to Storage Box {Easy DIY Project}

Oh boy I am so excited to share this one with turned out way better than I could have anticipated and had I known what the end result would look like I wouldn't have dragged my feet on this project for so long.  It was literally months in the making...but really it took me all of about 2 (kid-free) hours to complete.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thrifted Vintage Glass Jars to Canisters with DIY Labels

If you follow us on Instagram you know that I was pretty ecstatic last week about my thrift store find.  It's not too often you find three matching anything at Goodwill.  But I did!  I scored three of these large glass mason-like jars.  They were in perfectly good condition - aside from needing a good cleaning.  There were no chips or cracks and the closures all worked perfectly.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Repurposed louvered door and full length mirror

You might remember a few months ago when we had our master bathroom expanded so we could replace our tiny vanity with a double... No? Okay here's a refresher.  Part of that renovation included combining our two reach and grab closets into one 'large' closet (and I do use that world loosely').

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Re-use Yankee Candle Jars: How to Remove Wax from the Glass Holder

I don't know about you, but I have been burning through Yankee Candles this holiday season...pun intended.  The Yankee Candles come in such beautiful glass jars I really want to save them to upcycle after the candles were long gone...but before that I had to figure out how to remove the wax from the glass holder.

First, I peeled off the label.  Don't worry about any left over residue right now, you can use goo gone after you get the wax out to remove it. 

After the label was off, I burned the candle down as low as possible.  When most of the wax had melted to liquid I poured it into another container.  (Actually I consolidated it into another candle of a very similar scent).  You could also empty it into an empty soup can or another glass jar. 

After I poured out the liquid wax, I let the rest of the wax harden up in the original Yankee Candle jar.  Once it was solid, I used a paring knife to cut wedges - about 6 or 8 sections - into the hardened wax.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Lamp Makeover with DIY Fabric Covered Lamp Shade

I shared this lamp and lamp shade makeover project a few months ago as a guest post on Craft Dictator, and now thought I'd share it with all of you, as well.

I can never wrap my head around just how expensive lamps are - especially glass lamps.  I love the look, but not the price.

Lucky for me I spotted this ol' girl at the thrift store for $9.99 and I immediately snagged her before anyone else could.   This was one of those pieces that I kinda stood there and thought: "How could someone actually throw that away?" I mean...oh, the potential!

She looks like something similar I've seen at Pottery Barn for 10 times the cost.  Okay, well maybe with all the dust and brass she doesn't, but that's nothing a little glass cleaner and spray paint can't fix.

As soon as I got home I started working on giving a new life to this light.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

9 Tips for Selling Painted & Re-finished Furniture

I'm no pro, but I have painted and sold enough refinished furniture to have learned a thing or two about what will sell and what will sit.  So here goes...
  • Be Picky with your Pieces:  Pick pieces of furniture to refinish that are versatile.  Not everyone has room in an entryway for a table, but if you refinish a piece that could be used as an entryway table or a sofa table you double your chances of selling it.  The same thing goes for a buffet which could be also be used as an entryway table in one home or a TV console in another. 
  • Accent Pieces Rule:  Certain pieces of furniture are going to be tougher to sell than others.  A dresser, for example, is a piece that many people already have because it's an essential piece of furniture. It will be tougher to sell a stand alone dresser - especially one that has been painted and doesn't "go" with their pre-existing bedroom decor.    But accent pieces are pieces that add character, charm, color, and storage to a home's decor.  They're non-essentials which means someone will have to fall in love with it to buy it - but since it's something they won't already have, they're not actually faced with replacing one piece for another. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Clementine crate crafts: How to make a 'darling' table centerpiece

Isn't this little Christmas table decoration just darling?  Pun intended because that crate was actually filled with Darling Clementines until about a week ago.  That is until I dumped them all in the fruit bowl so I could put the wood clementine crate to (better) use.

I'm not gonna say I bought a five pound box of clementines just for the crate...but I mean it may have had a little something to do with it.

Regardless...I think it was a good decision because now look at Mr. Crate.  All I did was use a little goo gone to remove the paper and adhesive before spray painting two coats of black paint all over the box.  

Then I filled her up with goodies I had around the house...

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thrifted Kitchen Chairs Makeover

A few weeks ago we shared with you all the details on Stephanie's $35 kitchen table makeover.  It went from drab to fab with the help of a stained top and a white painted legs.   Inspired by this $800 version, Steph's $35 table really was fabulous - if only you could sit at it.

Thankfully, she found a set of four matching chairs on the cheap at an area thrift store.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

DIY Wood Box Centerpiece with Mini Burlap Banner (Free Printable)

I've been changing over my Halloween decor into Thanksgiving and general fall decorations recently and needed to find a replacement for my styrofoam pumpkin tea lights on the kitchen table.  One of the issues I run into on my kitchen table, is that I need a centerpiece that's easy to move for when little hands get grabby..  I also wanted something that I could easily change out for the seasons and holidays.  I've been seeing these long wooden boxes and knew it was the perfect solution.

This box is actually a really simple "build."  I used pallet wood (seriously I have never seen a nicer pallet), but if you want to buy new lumber that would work too....of course, it comes with a price tag.

I started by cutting the three long pieces (two sides and bottom) down to the same length using my jigsaw.  Mine are 25" x 4" inches, but of course this is a great customizable piece that you can make fit your table by cutting shorter or longer.