Showing posts with label Guest Posts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guest Posts. Show all posts

Friday, February 6, 2015

Tips for Finding the Perfect Entryway Furniture

I'm very excited to welcome a guest blogger today.  Angie is here with some amazing tips - and beautiful ideas - for decorating the perfect entryway.


The entryway is usually the basis of your guests’ first impression regarding the interiors of your home. It also serves as an area to stash personal items and belongings that family members have as they come and go. These are reasons in themselves that warrant attention to decor for this functional room. Below are some tips to finding the perfect furniture for your abode’s entryway.

Consider the size of the entryway 

Before you go and decide to place that well-loved antique furniture in your entryway, it’s best to know the size of the room that you’re working with. It helps to plan out placements that can either make the room feel cozier than it already is or give off an impression of being larger than its actual size. This is equally important in selecting furniture. Smaller entryways should opt for less furniture and more multipurpose pieces.

Friday, June 20, 2014

7 Family-Friendly Ways to Celebrate the First Day of Summer!

I have been trying to get my soon-to-be first grader to do her summer school work for weeks...but she keeps insisting "It's not summer until June 21."  That means starting tomorrow she'll be on board, right?  I think we'll push it off until Monday since this year the first day of summer is a Saturday and I want to get everyone outdoors for a fun family day!

Katie is joining us today on behalf of Hefty with a guest post and some fun outdoor ideas for spending the first day of summer somewhere other than hunched over a desk doing work.  I'll let Katie take it from here...

June 21st is the first day of summer this year.  Since it is on a Saturday this year, it is the perfect day to fit in all sorts of outdoor activities!  The first day of summer is actually the longest day of the year (from sunrise to sunset), so that means you will have plenty of time to fit everything in. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Door Mat Wall Art: Pottery Barn Knockoff

My Pottery Barn knockoffs are starting to take on a life of their own here at Two It Yourself.  This week I felt like maybe I should spread the love - so I did a guest blog post over at the amazing Fun Cheap or Free!

Do not judge - I totally hung a rubber door mat on the wall and called it a Pottery Barn knockoff.  I think that qualifies as fun and cheap...and almost free! Oh, and the best part, my husband has yet to realize it's a door mat's adorning our foyer. 

Head on over to FCF to check out my tips and tricks on what is now one of my favorite Pottery Barn knockoffs. 

While you're there, poke around a bit. I know you'll find some awesome stuff 'where frugal gets a facelift.'

Thanks for stopping by 2IY! If you like what you see, we'd love for you to pin it!

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

7 Unique and Fun Ways to Hang Bathroom Towels (Guest Post)

Today we have a special guest blogger joining us.  Sue from the lovely (and very informative) blog My-Bathrooms Blog is here to share with us seven awesome tips on bathroom towel organization.  I'll let Sue take it from here...

With so much to be done and squeezed into the bathroom, it is hard to give this fiercely practical and functional room an attractive and charming finish. However, by choosing accessories carefully keeping your décor theme and chosen colors in mind, you will be able to fill your bathroom with color, appeal and plenty of useful storage space and practicality. 

A place to hang your towels is a perfect example of this. Instead of the standard dreary row of chrome hooks why not consider the following options?

Free Standing Towel Racks

Eke out precious space in your bathroom by investing in a freestanding towel rail that can be moved around the room as needed – even being popped outside the bathroom should it get overcrowded for any reason! Freestanding towel rails at Argos come in a huge range of shapes and sizes, and no matter how small your bathroom, you will be able to find one that suits your needs and fits into the available space.

Monday, January 13, 2014

We're (back) Co-Hosting the PINcentive Blog Hop #18

Three times in six week...oh yes we did!  Two it Yourself has once again been featured on the PINcentive blog hop (this time it was our Dollar Store DIY Chalkboard Tray that caught the eye of the lovely hosts) and so once again we're thrilled to be co-hosting this week's link party!  I'll let Elena from Cropped Stories take it from here...
Welcome to the 18th week of the blog hop!  This week, I thought it might be fun to let you in on the numbers.  You know the numbers I’m talking about right?

The winners of our hop get some major Pinterest exposure when their content gets pinned by my team of pinners (below) and by, YOU, the blog hop participant!  I’m happy to report that the number of times our winner’s content gets pinned has been averaging around 60-70 times!  As fantastic as this number already is, there are many instances our winner’s posts are pinned well over 100 times!  Take a look for yourself at, what I’m calling, Our PINcentive Blog Hop Pinterest All-stars!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Exciting Announcement

I am thrilled to announce that Hometalk, the largest home and garden site on the web, has asked yours truly to 'hang out' in a live stream panel discussion and tutorial on DIY Christmas trees - and YOU'RE invited!   Woohoo!

During the live hangout on Hometalk's Goggle+, I will be demonstrating how to make my mini tomato planter potted Christmas tree.  It's currently adorning my front porch...along with tons of other (cheap) DIY Christmas projects. 

What most of you probably don't know is that long before my blogging days, I was a TV news producer.  There's a darn good reason why I wasn't in front of the camera and that is I hate seeing and hearing myself on camera, but because I love you all so much, and it's like a totally awesome way to get Two It Yourself's name out there, I'm getting in front of the camera.

I'll be live chatting from my living room, along with three other bloggers.  We'll all be part of a 45 minute live demonstration sharing our amazing mini Christmas Tree ideas.

The hangout starts at 2pm EST on Tuesday, December 10 and guess're like soooo invited!  You do NOT have to be a Hometalk or Google+ member to watch live, but we would like to know who's planning to come so please RSVP.

This will not only give you a friendly reminder to tune in, it will also let me know how nervous I should be because if there are only like 5 people - including my mom and my hubby - I won't be too nervous, but if I know you're all watching I might be super excited and also totally sweatin' it.  But that's cool - just RSVP and come hang out next week! I promise, you won't be disappointed. 

If you just can't make it IE your boss isn't buying that head cold that you suddenly came down with - it's cool...the full demonstration will be up on YouTube following the hangout and of course I'll be sharing it like a mad woman on the blog, Facebook, Twitter, and wherever else I might stalk you.  I kid, I kid...but you won't miss it, don't worry!

So, what do you say? Will you come hang out with me, Hometalk, and a few other totally cool blogger friends?  Click here to RSVP now.

Thanks for stopping by 2IY! If you like what you see, we'd love for you to pin it!

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Monday, November 25, 2013

8 Tips for Cost Effective Home Decor {Guest Post}

I am so excited to welcome a Jessica to Two It Yourself today.  She's our guest blogger today from 4 Interior Design - a UK-based DIY and Home Decor blog.   You guys are gonna love all the tips and tricks she has up her sleeve for decorating on a budget!  (Who doesn't love that!?) So I'll hand it over to Jessica...

Finances are tight all round as the world slowly starts to recover from the global economic meltdown of 2009, and often, it seems as though there is nothing left over to make your house into a beautiful and comfortable home. However, with a little ingenuity and few pounds in your pocket you CAN make changes to your home, step by step transforming it into the elegant haven of your dreams. The following eight tips can help you get there.

1. Make Your Own: Raw materials are almost always cheaper than the finished product, and the satisfaction you gain from making something by yourself to use in the home is priceless. Buy fabric, wool, art suppliesand pieces of equipment as and when you see them on sale or as part of a good deal. If you wait until you have a project planned you are unlikely to serendipitously find the supplies you need for a low price. Keep your supplies securely locked away, protected equally from the elements and your children! You can even make your own furniture, if you so desire, by buying offcuts and odd lengths of wood from DIY stores.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Teal Furniture Makeover {Guest Post from Craft Dictator}

Happy Saturday, everyone! Today it truly is a happy Saturday at Two It Yourself.  We're so thrilled to welcome our first guest blogger, Cara from the Craft Dictator.  Let's give Cara a big warm 2IY welcome.  

Today I'm going to talk about a piece of furniture I recently redid!  I got this white piece of furniture from my mom a couple of years ago.  It has lived in a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room.  Currently it is in my hallway.  It is a very versitile piece of furniture that is great for storage, but we never really painted it.  It was kind of painted white but it wasn't painted well.  Then I got polka dot knobs on it about a year ago but never repainted it!  For some reason last weekend I decided this was going to be the weekend this piece got painted! This is what it looked like before I started.